Support SYFCA


Donate to Scholarships

Help support SYFCA in our mission to ensure no child is unable to participate because of cost. Our Board provides scholarships to football players and cheerleaders who qualify for financial assistance.

Donations are tax deductible, and SYFCA will provide a donation receipt for all gifts of $250 or more.

Support Stillwater's youth and SYFCA through sponsorships!

Season Touchdown Sponsor - $2,500

  • In-game announcement as the presenting sponsor of every PIONEER TOUCHDOWN all season long!

  • “And that’s a (YOUR BUSINESS NAME) Pioneer Touchdown!”

  • Your logo on our Sponsor’s banner at the stadium gate entrance

  • Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship

  • Social media posts thanking you for your sponsorship

  • An official “Touchdown Sponsor’s thank you football” presented at a home game from SYFCA and Big Game footballs.

Student Athlete Health & Safety Sponsor

  • In-game announcements throughout the season as the SYFCA Health & Safety partner.

  • Your logo on our Sponsor’s banner at the stadium gate entrance

  • Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship

  • Social media posts thanking you for your sponsorship

  • An official “Student Athlete Health & Safety Sponsor’s thank you football” presented at a home game from SYFCA and Big Game footballs.

2024 Home Game Sponsor - $1,000

  • In-game announcements throughout the day as the presenting sponsor of a SYFCA Pioneer home game!

  • “Thank you to today’s Game sponsors - (NAME OF YOUR BUSINESS!)

  • Your logo on our Sponsor’s banner at the stadium gate entrance

  • Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship

  • Social media posts thanking you for your sponsorship

  • An official “Game Day Sponsor thank you football” presented at your home game from SYFCA and Big Game footballs.

SYFCA Supporting Sponsor - $500

  • In-game announcements each home game as a Supporting Sponsor of SYFCA

  • Your logo on our Sponsor’s banner at the stadium gate entrance

  • Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship

  • Social media posts thanking you for your sponsorship

SYFCA Scholarship Sponsor - $275

  • Support a student athlete by sponsoring their registration cost

  • Your logo on our Scholarship Sponsor’s banner at the stadium gate entrance

  • Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship

  • Social media posts thanking you for your sponsorship